Searched through the group, and the only similar post I could find was a
guy talking about small freezes, which could be any number of things (HDD
problems, RAM).
Anyway, this is much more serious. I bought this Radeon 9800PRO (mfg. ATi)
about a month ago, and for the past two weeks, I haven't been able to play
any games because they would hard lock after 30 seconds or sometimes even
up to 10 minutes of gameplay.
I consulted some friends about this, and they suggested overheating, and my
CPU was idling at 45C, so I replaced the thermal paste on my CPU, and added
another case fan. To make sure of the overheating problem, I pointed a box-
fan into the open side of my case (It sits at about 48C at 100% usage now
w/ SETI@Home running). Still locked up in-game. I've reinstalled windows in
the past week in an effort to fix this, reinstalled the games I play
(Thief3, UT2k4, and now the Ground Control 2 MP Demo), no dice.
I really have no idea what's causing this, and I'd like to. So any
suggestions would be great.
Asus A7n8x-deluxe nForce2 motherboard FSB currently at 333
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ @ 2800(2.08gHz)
ATi Radeon 9800Pro 128mb
512mb Crucial XNS DDR3200 @333
Austin 450w PSU
2 WD 120gb SE hd's
guy talking about small freezes, which could be any number of things (HDD
problems, RAM).
Anyway, this is much more serious. I bought this Radeon 9800PRO (mfg. ATi)
about a month ago, and for the past two weeks, I haven't been able to play
any games because they would hard lock after 30 seconds or sometimes even
up to 10 minutes of gameplay.
I consulted some friends about this, and they suggested overheating, and my
CPU was idling at 45C, so I replaced the thermal paste on my CPU, and added
another case fan. To make sure of the overheating problem, I pointed a box-
fan into the open side of my case (It sits at about 48C at 100% usage now
w/ SETI@Home running). Still locked up in-game. I've reinstalled windows in
the past week in an effort to fix this, reinstalled the games I play
(Thief3, UT2k4, and now the Ground Control 2 MP Demo), no dice.
I really have no idea what's causing this, and I'd like to. So any
suggestions would be great.
Asus A7n8x-deluxe nForce2 motherboard FSB currently at 333
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ @ 2800(2.08gHz)
ATi Radeon 9800Pro 128mb
512mb Crucial XNS DDR3200 @333
Austin 450w PSU
2 WD 120gb SE hd's