Radeon 9800 pro and S-video out problem

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Some Dude

Got my first ATI card in the form of a Sapphire 9800 pro and I have
the s-video out hooked up to my tv like i did before with my Nvidia
and the computer screen comes on the tv just fine however when I play
movie of any type it shows on my monitor but not on the tv. So being
an ati newb I thought I would ask why this happens?

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Some Dude said:
Got my first ATI card in the form of a Sapphire 9800 pro and I have
the s-video out hooked up to my tv like i did before with my Nvidia
and the computer screen comes on the tv just fine however when I play
movie of any type it shows on my monitor but not on the tv. So being
an ati newb I thought I would ask why this happens?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

I had this same problem twice before, once with my dell laptop running
a radeon 9000 and again with my AIW 9800 Pro. I realized, that the
probelm is, is that your computer is using your monitor as the number
1, and you need to tell it to use your tv as number one. I can't
quite remember how I fixed it, but I am positive that you need to
right click on your desktop, go to propeties, then go to the very last
tab on the right (I think its settings) and you should see screen 1 &
screen 2. Then you can click advanced and I am pretty sure if you
play around there, then you will be able to fix that problem. (I think
that you need to go to display tap under the advnced, then right next
to your monitor, or tv picture there is an option to use one as
"source", just change your tv to the source, and I think it will
work.) Really hope this helps!!
Thank-you man that worked great, I knew it was just something simple I
was prob overlooking.
Mike said:
Some Dude <[email protected]> wrote in message
If you're running the newer Cat drivers just go to Display
Property's/Settings/Advanced/Displays. You'll see four boxes with different
monitors in them. Your PC monitor will be one of them and below it is your
TV. If it's hooked up right you'll see that it's connected. All you have to
do is click on the TV tab to switch between what displays on you monitor and
what plays on your TV. Just mess around tell you get the right combo. I
don't have mine setup at the moment and I can't remember exactly what it
takes, but if your overlay is not showing up don't worry just keep trying.