The Other Guy.
Iam not intending to buy a 64bit cpu untill the dual cores come out.
And also iam not going to spend 700 bucks Australian on a x800 or 6800
GT video card. All i wish to know how long do you think a 9800 pro
would last me before i am forced to upgrade ??.
I wish to run my games in atleast 1024 by 768 and with AA 4 and AF 8
or close to that, but still get decent frame rates.
I can get a 9800 Pro at 329 australian and a x800 pro is 700 dollars
650 cheapest if i order off the net and even then it would be closer
to 700 with postage.
Is the x800 worth the extra 371 dollars, bang for buck wise ?
So do you think i should got 9800 pro ?? or x800 or 6800 GT as i
suppose they would last longer performance wise in the long run ?
Just confused, byt the way iam upgrading from a 9600 pro which has
served me well, right up untiill Doom 3 then it kind of showed its
lack of power
Thanks for any help.
And also iam not going to spend 700 bucks Australian on a x800 or 6800
GT video card. All i wish to know how long do you think a 9800 pro
would last me before i am forced to upgrade ??.
I wish to run my games in atleast 1024 by 768 and with AA 4 and AF 8
or close to that, but still get decent frame rates.
I can get a 9800 Pro at 329 australian and a x800 pro is 700 dollars
650 cheapest if i order off the net and even then it would be closer
to 700 with postage.
Is the x800 worth the extra 371 dollars, bang for buck wise ?
So do you think i should got 9800 pro ?? or x800 or 6800 GT as i
suppose they would last longer performance wise in the long run ?
Just confused, byt the way iam upgrading from a 9600 pro which has
served me well, right up untiill Doom 3 then it kind of showed its
lack of power

Thanks for any help.