I've got a spare Radeon 9650 which I pulled out of a Mac G5.
I was hoping to use it in the 8x AGP slot of a Wintel machine I've just
bought, in order to be able to connect it up to my Apple 30" cinema
display via a KVM switch. However I called ATI and they said it won't
work as it's a mac product, but it's listed on their XP driver download
page so I'm tempted to try it...
Anyone know if I'm going to blow up PC or graphics card by trying this
combo? Anyone heard of such a card working in a Windows machine?
TIA - Jon
I was hoping to use it in the 8x AGP slot of a Wintel machine I've just
bought, in order to be able to connect it up to my Apple 30" cinema
display via a KVM switch. However I called ATI and they said it won't
work as it's a mac product, but it's listed on their XP driver download
page so I'm tempted to try it...
Anyone know if I'm going to blow up PC or graphics card by trying this
combo? Anyone heard of such a card working in a Windows machine?
TIA - Jon