I have the 9600xt and madden 2005 freezes after playing for a while.
A couple times, I got it to go back to the desktop by hitting the
windows button on the keyboard. When I did, it had a screen up saying
VPU recover has reset the video driver. Sometimes, it will simply
lock up with the sound in an endless loop, and I have to reboot, other
times, it will reboot automatically. Other times, when I get it to go
back to the desk top, I can then maximize the game again and it will
continue working. Some have said that I need to shut off the
second monitor option but I don't know how. I only use one monitor.
In device manager, it has two cards listed, with one saying
"secondary" in the title. I have tried everything. I have updated
the MB bios, used the catalyst new 4.9, and even went back to 4.8
because the notes in Madden say it works with that version. I have
switched sound card drivers, I have disabled agp fast writes, I have
tried so many things. I had service PACK 2 INSTALLED FOR XP, SO i
Please, can anyone give me some suggestions? Madden also says in is
not compatible with "ATI smoothvision" How do I turn of the second
monitor option, and what is smoothvision?
Please help!!
Asus p4sdx with 512 of corsair ram in dual channel mode
Audigy platinum sound (I have used both the kx project drivers, and
the creative drivers, no change)
80 gig drives.
Pentium 4 2.0 ghz
I have the 9600xt and madden 2005 freezes after playing for a while.
A couple times, I got it to go back to the desktop by hitting the
windows button on the keyboard. When I did, it had a screen up saying
VPU recover has reset the video driver. Sometimes, it will simply
lock up with the sound in an endless loop, and I have to reboot, other
times, it will reboot automatically. Other times, when I get it to go
back to the desk top, I can then maximize the game again and it will
continue working. Some have said that I need to shut off the
second monitor option but I don't know how. I only use one monitor.
In device manager, it has two cards listed, with one saying
"secondary" in the title. I have tried everything. I have updated
the MB bios, used the catalyst new 4.9, and even went back to 4.8
because the notes in Madden say it works with that version. I have
switched sound card drivers, I have disabled agp fast writes, I have
tried so many things. I had service PACK 2 INSTALLED FOR XP, SO i
Please, can anyone give me some suggestions? Madden also says in is
not compatible with "ATI smoothvision" How do I turn of the second
monitor option, and what is smoothvision?
Please help!!
Asus p4sdx with 512 of corsair ram in dual channel mode
Audigy platinum sound (I have used both the kx project drivers, and
the creative drivers, no change)
80 gig drives.
Pentium 4 2.0 ghz