Home Theatre Guy
Just built my download box and conected it to my TV via Svdio and the
picture is CRAP. Maybe i'am so used to the 720p of my HTPC Box
Its flickery which i expected at 480i, Though i am running at
128by768, well thats what the driver tells me.
But about a quater way down the screen the screen gets wavy ect. Just
alittle enough to anoy you. I bought a decent Svideo cable and that
somewhat fixes it.
Maybe the cable needs more sheilding. an I do that myself ???
Thanks for any input.
picture is CRAP. Maybe i'am so used to the 720p of my HTPC Box

Its flickery which i expected at 480i, Though i am running at
128by768, well thats what the driver tells me.
But about a quater way down the screen the screen gets wavy ect. Just
alittle enough to anoy you. I bought a decent Svideo cable and that
somewhat fixes it.
Maybe the cable needs more sheilding. an I do that myself ???
Thanks for any input.