Until a few days ago my 366 MHz Celeron was overclocked to 457 Mhz while
running a Voodoo card. I then changed to a Radeon 9200 and now the XP System
Properties shows my speed as 367 MHz even though the clock speed setting in
the bios remains the same as before. I am only guessing but it seems to me
that the Radeon somehow has an influence in this. Keeping in mind that I am
not a computer genious is there a solution to this puzzle. In other words is
there something I can do to get the overclock speed up to what it was
Thank you
running a Voodoo card. I then changed to a Radeon 9200 and now the XP System
Properties shows my speed as 367 MHz even though the clock speed setting in
the bios remains the same as before. I am only guessing but it seems to me
that the Radeon somehow has an influence in this. Keeping in mind that I am
not a computer genious is there a solution to this puzzle. In other words is
there something I can do to get the overclock speed up to what it was
Thank you