I recently decided to try a dual video card solution for 2 monitors rather
than having both connected to my 8500 AGP. I found there was a lot of
interference to the secondary monitor on the 8500 and it wouldn't take
custom resolution settings from Powerstrip. So I added a Powercolor Radeon
7500 PCI card and it solved those problems. I was also surprised that
suddenly my PVR application (WinDVR) can now record or timeshift at any
setting without losing audio sync. I guess the dual display mode on the 8500
made that harder for some reason...
On the downside, it seems like text on the 7500 is a little fuzzier than it
was on the 8500. Obviously there's a huge difference in 3D performance, but
I assumed the RAMDAC wouldn't have changed much from the 7500 to the 8500.
Is this incorrect? Is this a model specific issue, a PCI issue, or a
Powercolor vs. ATI issue? (My 8500 is an ATI.)
I recently decided to try a dual video card solution for 2 monitors rather
than having both connected to my 8500 AGP. I found there was a lot of
interference to the secondary monitor on the 8500 and it wouldn't take
custom resolution settings from Powerstrip. So I added a Powercolor Radeon
7500 PCI card and it solved those problems. I was also surprised that
suddenly my PVR application (WinDVR) can now record or timeshift at any
setting without losing audio sync. I guess the dual display mode on the 8500
made that harder for some reason...
On the downside, it seems like text on the 7500 is a little fuzzier than it
was on the 8500. Obviously there's a huge difference in 3D performance, but
I assumed the RAMDAC wouldn't have changed much from the 7500 to the 8500.
Is this incorrect? Is this a model specific issue, a PCI issue, or a
Powercolor vs. ATI issue? (My 8500 is an ATI.)