Okay is the main diff just the clocks and if so how well does the np OC (can
it get close to Pro's clocks). Im asking as Im being sent a 9800 np and it
will be replacing my gf3 which is still working and kinda curuous as to what
to expect. All the reviews Ive found talk about the pro card so havent
really found a chart to show how big performance diff tween pro & Non pro.
Thx in Advance
Just Jess
it get close to Pro's clocks). Im asking as Im being sent a 9800 np and it
will be replacing my gf3 which is still working and kinda curuous as to what
to expect. All the reviews Ive found talk about the pro card so havent
really found a chart to show how big performance diff tween pro & Non pro.
Thx in Advance
Just Jess