measekite said:
You mean to say if you have 3 computers in different room where all 3
users want to share an epson printer, you more or less have to leave it on
all of the time. If you turn if off it will not be available to other
users. I operate my Canon IP4000 this way for the past 6 months and do
not have any problems.
Why do Epsons have to be shut off?
They don't. The warning about 'always switching off' are a misinterpretation
of the advice that you should always firstly turn off the printer by its
on/off switch - allowing the printer to shut down properly and park the
heads before removing power. No real difference between shutting down your
PC, or any other printer for that matter.
I do know that every time you turn them off and then back on they use a
great deal of ink.
All the ones I've seen go through a 'wipe' and self test cycle when powered
up - sometimes doing a bit of a clean cycle if the printer has been switched
off for more than a week or two - depending on the exact model, but nothing
more than any other printer from another manufacturer does.
Maybe they go through a light cleaning cycle and uses much ink.
If they haven't been used for a while, sometimes a clean cycle is performed
just before printing starts. That again depends on exactly what is being
printed - biased towards more of a clean if your printing out a
photo-quality image rather than an A4 draft text page. Personally I'd rather
waste a bit of ink than have a photo print that has banding on it forcing me
to cancel (and wait for Windows to actually stop printing), run a clean
cycle or two, and print again.
Epson was my second choice and after hearing all of the problems with
Epson printers I am glad I did not get one.
What you don't hear from is the thousands of satisfied users..
Too bad because they are a reputable company.
....So they are a 'reputable company', but your glad you didn't buy any of
their products. Hmmm...