Another Eggheader responding within a years old post.
<David Whyte> wrote in message : This solution worked for me. However, it presented one additional
problem. When the word.doc opens, it is not picking up the default with our corporate settings.
: ?? wrote:
: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: 26-May-08
: Using WinXP Home SP2 with Office 2007.
: When I r-click on my desktop and choose New | New Microsoft Office Word
: Document, it creates a .docx document by default. I would rather it
: create a 97-2003 compatible .doc instead.
: How do I do this?
: Previous Posts In This Thread:
: On Monday, May 26, 2008 9:32 PM
: ?? wrote:
: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: Using WinXP Home SP2 with Office 2007.
: When I r-click on my desktop and choose New | New Microsoft Office Word
: Document, it creates a .docx document by default. I would rather it
: create a 97-2003 compatible .doc instead.
: How do I do this?
: On Monday, May 26, 2008 10:00 PM
: Jay Freedman wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: The right-click New menu on the desktop also contains "Microsoft Office
: 97-2003 Document". Click that instead.
: The alternative is some fairly serious mucking about in the registry. It
: isn't worth the probability that you'll make a mistake and end up unable
to use
: Word at all.
: --
: Regards,
: Jay Freedman
: Microsoft Word MVP
: Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup
so all may benefit.
: On Monday, May 26, 2008 11:37 PM
: ?? wrote:
: Nope - all I have is "New Microsoft Office Word Document" - there is no
: Nope - all I have is "New Microsoft Office Word Document" - there is no
: option for another format. (Only Excel, Acces and other Office docs).
: I'm willing to give the registry a go! Please help!
: Thanks very much.
: On Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:14 AM
: Ramesh, MS-MVP wrote:
: Add Word 97 - 2003 entry to the New menu after installing Word
: Add Word 97 - 2003 entry to the New menu after installing Word 2007:=20
: after-installing-word-2007/
: --=20
: Regards,
: Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
: The Winhelponline Blog:
: Windows=AE Troubleshooting:
: : Using WinXP Home SP2 with Office 2007.
: When I r-click on my desktop and choose New | New Microsoft Office Word=20
: Document, it creates a .docx document by default. I would rather it=20
: create a 97-2003 compatible .doc instead.
: How do I do this?=20
: On Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:19 AM
: Jay Freedman wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: ?? wrote:
: Follow the link in Ramesh's reply
: I wasn't aware before that a .reg file was available to do the registry
: for you and avoid mistakes. Download the file word03-shellnew.reg from the
: link on that page to your desktop, and then double-click the file on the
: desktop. You'll be asked whether to add it to the registry, and you should
: say yes. Also read the rest of the article to know what to expect.
: --
: Regards,
: Jay Freedman
: Microsoft Word MVP
: Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup
: all may benefit.
: On Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:37 PM
: Bob Buckland ?:-\) wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: Hi Jay,
: The procedure is a variation of the one in
: which also helps to create a .reg file,
: but that can get confusing <g>.
: ==========
: Follow the link in Ramesh's reply
: I wasn't aware before that a .reg file was available to do the registry
: for you and avoid mistakes. Download the file word03-shellnew.reg from the
: link on that page to your desktop, and then double-click the file on the
: desktop. You'll be asked whether to add it to the registry, and you should
: say yes. Also read the rest of the article to know what to expect.
: --
: Regards,
: Jay Freedman >>
: --
: Bob Buckland ?

: MS Office System Products MVP
: *Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:24 AM
: ?? wrote:
: Thanks so much!
: Thanks so much!
: By the way, what if I want to remove it at a later stage - how do I go
: about doing that? And, is it possibel to only have the 97-2003 version
: when r-clicking and *not* 2007 version?
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:26 AM
: ?? wrote:
: Thanks so much!
: Thanks so much!
: By the way, what if I want to remove it at a later stage - how do I go
: about doing that? And, is it possibel to only have the 97-2003 version
: when r-clicking and *not* 2007 version?
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:26 AM
: ?? wrote:
: Thanks so much!
: Thanks so much!
: By the way, what if I want to remove it at a later stage - how do I go
: about doing that? And, is it possibel to only have the 97-2003 version
: when r-clicking and *not* 2007 version?
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:36 AM
: Jay Freedman wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: ?? wrote:
: To remove the Word 97-2003 item from the New menu, follow the numbered
: instructions in the article, except replace steps 3 and 4 with these:
: 3. Right-click the word Nullfile in the right-hand pane.
: 4. Choose Delete. Answer 'yes' to the 'Are you sure?' prompt.
: I found that I have to open the New menu twice; the item is still there
: first time but is gone the second time.
: To remove the Word 2007 item from the menu, again follow the numbered
: instructions with the replaced steps, but work on the location
: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.docx\Word.Document.12\ShellNew
: (Although I don't really understand the compulsion to use Word 2007 but
: force it to be Word 2003.)
: --
: Regards,
: Jay Freedman
: Microsoft Word MVP
: Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup
: all may benefit.
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:34 AM
: Ramesh, MS-MVP wrote:
: Done!
: Done! I've made available three other REG files (available in a Zip =
: file). Check here:
: after-installing-word-2007/
: --=20
: Regards,
: Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
: The Winhelponline Blog:
: Windows=AE Troubleshooting:
: :
: after-installing-word-2007/
: Thanks so much!
: By the way, what if I want to remove it at a later stage - how do I go
: about doing that? And, is it possibel to only have the 97-2003 version
: when r-clicking and *not* 2007 version?
: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:32 PM
: ?? wrote:
: Done!
: Done! I've made available three other REG files (available in a Zip
: file). Check here:
: Again, thank you Ramesh - just what I needed. Much appreciated!

: On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 12:53 PM
: Ramesh, MS-MVP wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: You're welcome

: --=20
: Regards,
: Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
: The Winhelponline Blog:
: Windows=AE Troubleshooting:
: : Done! I've made available three other REG files (available in a Zip=20
: file). Check here:
: after-installing-word-2007/
: Again, thank you Ramesh - just what I needed. Much appreciated!

: On Friday, May 30, 2008 6:30 PM
: ?? wrote:
: Excuse my "newness" to tweaking things like these r-click new options, but
: Excuse my "newness" to tweaking things like these r-click new options,
: but what the regedit entries be for:
: Excel, Access and the other office apps?
: Would you mind adding options for 97-2003 and 2007 for each of the
: office apps. I might like using just Word and Excel, but someone might
: like Word and Access.
: Thanks!!!
: On Monday, June 02, 2008 2:18 AM
: Ramesh, MS-MVP wrote:
: Re: R-click create new Word doc (not docx)
: I've uploaded the Excel REG files here:
: after-installing-word-2007/
: --=20
: Regards,
: Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
: The Winhelponline Blog:
: Windows=AE Troubleshooting:
: : Excuse my "newness" to tweaking things like these r-click new options,=20
: but what the regedit entries be for:
: Excel, Access and the other office apps?
: Would you mind adding options for 97-2003 and 2007 for each of the=20
: office apps. I might like using just Word and Excel, but someone might=20
: like Word and Access.
: Thanks!!!=20
: On Monday, June 02, 2008 11:48 AM
: ?? wrote:
: Again, thank you very much, Ramesh.
: Again, thank you very much, Ramesh.
: On Friday, July 25, 2008 1:55 PM
: Pierre A Plauzoles wrote:
: Hello.Genuinely nice try -- as far as it goes.
: Hello.
: Genuinely nice try -- as far as it goes. I don't know if what is you
: are suggesting is available on my machine, but I sure can't find it --
: and I don't have the time to look for it now. The flip side is that I
: do know that there is a work-around for it, which is no doubt available
: on all WinVista machines. I open a new (blank) document and let it load
: as a *.docx. When the blank screen comes up, I immediately save it as a
: *.doc (MSWord97/2003) document. I say "immediately" because I have had
: problems with MSWord2002 locking up and crashing if I don't.
: I hope this helps.
: Pierre A Plauzoles
: (e-mail address removed)
: Ramesh, MS-MVP wrote:
: Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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