I don't know if I will ever wrap my head around using quotes within quotes!
If someone could help, that would be great!
I'm trying to filter a form after updating an unbound text box. I don't
think my strfilter variable is correct because when I use the ApplyFilter
method I get a message box prompting me to input Me.Description. I know I
spelled it correctly and that it is a valid field on my form. Here's my code
strFilter = "Me.Description Like ""*" & Me.DescriptionFilter & "*"""
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , strFilter
If someone could help, that would be great!
I'm trying to filter a form after updating an unbound text box. I don't
think my strfilter variable is correct because when I use the ApplyFilter
method I get a message box prompting me to input Me.Description. I know I
spelled it correctly and that it is a valid field on my form. Here's my code
strFilter = "Me.Description Like ""*" & Me.DescriptionFilter & "*"""
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , strFilter