We are creating a database to handle quotes that are sent out to customer
Projects for work done on buildings which make up part of the Project.
The tables are;
Project, Building, Quote, QuoteDetails, Products
Project to Building is one to many, based on ProjectID
Project to Quote is one to many, based on ProjectID
Quote to QuoteDetails is one to many, based on QuoteID
QuoteDetails to Products is one to many, based on ProductID
On a Projects form we have created a Quotes tab which shows a listing of
each quote for the project. These can then be opened to show the details of
the quote with a further listing of the products selected.
The problem we have is ths works fine for one quote for one building on the
project but doesn't take into account quotes for multiple buildings.
Believe we need to restructure our tables and relationships to make this
work but not too clear where.
Hope this is fairly clear
Projects for work done on buildings which make up part of the Project.
The tables are;
Project, Building, Quote, QuoteDetails, Products
Project to Building is one to many, based on ProjectID
Project to Quote is one to many, based on ProjectID
Quote to QuoteDetails is one to many, based on QuoteID
QuoteDetails to Products is one to many, based on ProductID
On a Projects form we have created a Quotes tab which shows a listing of
each quote for the project. These can then be opened to show the details of
the quote with a further listing of the products selected.
The problem we have is ths works fine for one quote for one building on the
project but doesn't take into account quotes for multiple buildings.
Believe we need to restructure our tables and relationships to make this
work but not too clear where.
Hope this is fairly clear