Quitting Smoking

Seems like another way to get time off work. People will exploit any opportunity. Or am I being cynical?
Oh gawd ... :rolleyes:

The simple solution is to make tobacco a class 'A' drug ... lock-up all who smoke for 3 weeks, it will be cheaper in the log run ... the end. :thumb:

Then, we can easily do the same for drunkards ... :nod:

Vote mucks for Priminister. :wave:

I Ucking hate smoking. With a passion. If peeps wanna smoke and die let them and when in the future familys start sueing each other for damage done to each others lungs tough they deserve it!
Re: Smoking ok the law is now in place banning smoking in Wales Ireland and Scotland in July it comes into force for England.

Now why all the advertising of how to stop smoking? If someone has the willpower to stop smoking good on them, now don’t you think it is rather hideous showing advert after advert and within the adverts someone smoking a cigarette and being told how to stop smoking as you are breaking the law by doing so in a public place, if I were to decide to stop smoking and were to see an advert with the likes of what is shown smoke, smoke, smoke, I would think to myself what the F### are they trying to do? start me off again? The ban is in force so why not leave it at that, and to the individual???? Don’t keep going on and on about it.:rolleyes: its done and thats it..........

Free ales for mucks and I am voting for him to become prime minister.
Ohmigawd, I just knew that link would go to a story by the Daily Mail :lol:

Middle England's daily rag guaranteed to make grumpy people even grumpier :lol:

The time off work to quit is only a recommendation, part of a set of guidelines to employers, is all. It is not a rule set in stone.

And look at this:

Currently, smoking costs the Health Service an estimated £1.5billion each year, and industry an estimated £5billion in lost productivity, absenteeism and fire damage.

Weigh that up against the cost of a few hours off work each week for a month or two and it does start to make sense.

And how much of their employer's time do smokers waste when they keep nipping outside for a fag?

It's all a question of perspective and seeing the bigger picture through your own eyes. not blindly believing some warped hack's twisted story for the lowliest rag in the UK.

And anyway, giving up smoking is easy. just develop cancer from thirty-odd years of smoke trailing down your throat, then endure major surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherpay and twelve months mental anguish :)

Go through that little lot and it's easy peasy :thumb:

Anybody who still smokes, in my opinion, is an absolute knob-head :p
Anybody who still smokes, in my opinion, is an absolute knob-head ...
From one knob-head to an ex-knob-head ... welcome to the club.

Is the government going to subsidise this time? Or are the bossess expected to? Seems to me that since the govt are the primary benefiters... as Flops quoted... then the financial support should be comming from them.
But I would have to question the validity of the program.
Myself I found that, when i was actually doing the quitting then staying away from other smokers, and the environments that i would usually smoke in, was essential. It doesn't start much... especially a little reminisce about the first smoke of the morning... or some add showing people smoking... to tip the scales in the early days.

Just a little thought for the 'all it takes is a little willpower' crowd.
Chemically and psychologically nicotine & smoking are more addictive than heroin.
Maybe some people find it easy, although I never met any of them.
But some people are less sensitive to certain chemicals than others.
But for most it takes more than a little bit of will power.
A high motivation is handy,
& a lot of support from your mates/family.
But bottom line... if you want to suceed, will power is not enough,
You have to really want to personally.
& given that most people are stubborn & contrary to some degree,
ridicule & external pressure is often more likely to develop resistance than anything.
It's really gotta be you doing the pushing.

But for anyone who's trying to quit,
Go for it mate
it takes a lot of strength
& a lot of guts
But you really can do it.
If you want to enough.
It's all a question of perspective and seeing the bigger picture through your own eyes


Anybody who still smokes, in my opinion, is an absolute knob-head :p

Very well said that man...But there are many millions of Knobheads out there that will not stop no matter what...:(
Just what is all the hassle over Smoking and Booze Bingeing?????

My Great grandfather smoked 160 cigs a day and drank 2 bootles of irish whiskey before dinner every single day of his life......and he lived to the ripe old age of.............................................................................................


floppybootstomp said:
Ohmigawd, I just knew that link would go to a story by the Daily Mail :lol:

Middle England's daily rag guaranteed to make grumpy people even grumpier :lol:

The time off work to quit is only a recommendation, part of a set of guidelines to employers, is all. It is not a rule set in stone.

And look at this:

Weigh that up against the cost of a few hours off work each week for a month or two and it does start to make sense.

And how much of their employer's time do smokers waste when they keep nipping outside for a fag?

It's all a question of perspective and seeing the bigger picture through your own eyes. not blindly believing some warped hack's twisted story for the lowliest rag in the UK.

And anyway, giving up smoking is easy. just develop cancer from thirty-odd years of smoke trailing down your throat, then endure major surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherpay and twelve months mental anguish :)

Go through that little lot and it's easy peasy :thumb:

Anybody who still smokes, in my opinion, is an absolute knob-head :p

How much does it cost the nation to mop up the after effects of drinking . Oh but lets not mention that cos its part of our british cultural heritage . Anyone for a couple of gallons of ale and some mindless random violence .
My girlfriend smokes occasionally... not much at all when i'm with her though... and thats the one thing about her that i really don't like. It breaks my heart to see her light up.
feckit said:
I once had a girlfriend who only smoked after sex, she was smoking 20 a day!:p

It depended on how fast I were able to perform? if very fast I would smoke, it would take a while to put the fire out:D ????
Abarbarian said:
How much does it cost the nation to mop up the after effects of drinking .

How long is a piece of string?

Abarbarian said:
Oh but lets not mention that cos its part of our british cultural heritage .

Quite right :)

Abarbarian said:
Anyone for a couple of gallons of ale and some mindless random violence.

Yes please :D