quite please ... mucks is upgrading


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Going to upgrade to Suse ver 10 ...

... anybody that needs blinkers or earmuffs please get them now. :D
Write slow as he can`t read very fast while SHHHHHHhhhhhhhh he`s working:D
I'M BACK ...

... Hello from SeSE 10


Now for some updates ...
DAM ... it's fast. :eek:

How the heck did they improve on that ... I won't need a 64bit. :p

I'll be downloading Suse 10 over the next coupla nights, all five CD's.

So, as you are now an expert on all things Linux/Suse, I'll be asking questions, lol ;)

I know sweet BA about Linux, apart from having tried a few Distros in the past, most of which I've managed to make sense out of navigating, and that's about it.

Code? Text commands? I know not a thing, so should be fun ;)

I do have a couple of books, both based on Red Hat circa '02, so they may help, dunno.
floppybootstomp said:
I'll be downloading Suse 10 over the next coupla nights, all five CD's.

So, as you are now an expert on all things Linux/Suse, I'll be asking questions, lol ;)

I know sweet BA about Linux, apart from having tried a few Distros in the past, most of which I've managed to make sense out of navigating, and that's about it.

Code? Text commands? I know not a thing, so should be fun ;)

I do have a couple of books, both based on Red Hat circa '02, so they may help, dunno.
Good on you :thumb: ... downloading the EvalDVD may be quicker ... it's what I used here. My MB allows me to choose where I boot using F12, and will auto use the DVDRW if nothing is in the Combo.

Floppy, I no nuffin about code or the Konsole, but I got FaD on and working, the rest, I just ask "The Lady" ... you will be a little surprised at what you see. Just remember, it aint Windows. :D :D

Floppy ... don't waste any CDs

Well not if you wan't to play any DVDs

I had to jump through fire and walk on water to get SuSE 9.3 to play DVDs, now it seems we will have to wait for the 'hackers' to fix it.

Have not looked at MP3 yet ... time for bed. :D

For all you out there a Linux hacker is someone clever who actually writes code ... ;)
I hate to retype, so I will just repast this from my upgrade thread:
I had just upgraded from 9.3 to 10.0, and had to remove mplayer, so we'll pickup there:
Now for Multimedia.
Was going to fight my way thru, started with mplayer, I needed libmad.so.0, not available. Quick google found a site with the rpm:
http://www.megaloman.com/~hany/RPM/...1.b.2.i686.html , d/l'd and installed, mplayer is happy.

Then my co-worker pops in and says :
Go to this site, follow the instructions exactly,
and when you're done, all multimedia will work, and you will be at the same version as the full boxed release.
Where is this? go here:

Now some warnings, I didn't use his method to
install mplayer, so it may still have an issue with that missing library.
He has you add a bunch of repositories for these programs, and turn off cd/dvd as a source. if you are bandwidth restrained, some of the packages are on the cd, but may not be the latest version. I just went with the all online install.

Going thru that procedure, he has mis-stated a few phrases. in YAST it is software management, not package management. (minor nit there)
In the dvd section, he talks about Kpackage.
Nope, doesn't exist. Download and let yast install the decoder package. ( if you use firefox, open the download manager, and click on open, in the file manager sindow, click on the install with YAST button at the top)

For Xine, when it pops up, I suggest installing the Xine-UI , I prefer to run xine as itself without the kaffeine overlay.
That pretty much gets mp3's and all manner of multimedia working.

Now that that's done, tho, for any large package add, I would re-enable the cd/dvd option, and install from there.

USing his method, you will have thunderbird and other programs showing up in the start menu list.

That should get all your multimedia working, and dvd's playable painlessly.

now for the floppy drive, a more detailed how to:

logon as root. (or you can switch users in the logoff option)
use the file manager to go to the etc folder.
find a file called fstab
right click, open with kwrite, and add this line at the end:
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto user,acl,defaults 0 0

you can add spaces to make the columns line up, vb keeps removing extra spaces.

logoff, logon as yourself, and now the floppy works as you want in my computer.
I know how to RTFM

Yep, been there, seen it, done it ... had that page bookmarked from the start ... I aint as daft as I'm cabbage looking ... however, despite its excellent destructions, I still get this.
This version of Xine (used by Kaffeine) has only a reduced
set of supported codecs. It is not able to play DVDs.
Read http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/searchtid.cgi?/en/2003/09/xine_dvd.html for further details.
... and for what its worth, you had to do something very similar to get 9.3 to play DVDs

The floppy 'situation' is 'fixed' in 10

I need to replace xine & Koffee with versions that work ... neither 'work' on my system. oh, and yes, I only have shop bought DVDs.

Also ... I never had any problem with
Java programs, MP3 audio files, and browser plugins for Macromedia Flash, Adobe Acrobat, RealPlayer, and Windows Media Video.
or FF, they were already installed.

Just to save any other confusion ... I upgraded from 9.3 ... it was not a clean install ... silly of me to think that an upgrade would work. But hey! I'm always being told "this aint Windows". :rolleyes:

Flopps may have better luck ... but why Suse thinks that I should not be allowed to play my own DVDs is beyond my comprehension.

BYE BYE SUSE ... hello Mandriva, one new install coming up. :p
For any SuSE 9.3 users having problems playing DVDs here is an excelent guide, with pretty pictures too ...


... it works. ;)


NOTE: use the link above for your "libdvdcss" as it is newer. :thumb:
Mucks, what happens when you try to play a dvd?

Is it an encrypted dvd? if so try an older non encrypted one.

you are not getting the dreaded not plugin for device dvd are you?
RTFM ... properly

Cracked it ...
Next I right-clicked on the top right hand panel, where the programs are listed and selected "All in this list" and "Update if newer version available". Then I checked the "Autocheck" and clicked the "Accept" button.
... missed that bit, now we can watch DVDs

Yes they are 'encrypted' but I don't want to copy them ... all I wanted was to watch them

I'm sorry, but to have to jump through these hoops is ridiculous ... Suse have really just shot their own foot.

I don't hear any other Distro user complaining the can't play a DVD ... MP3s, maybe, but not DVDs. :rolleyes:

I'm off to install Madrivia 10 ... :D
tjm4fun said:
Mucks, what happens when you try to play a dvd?

Is it an encrypted dvd? if so try an older non encrypted one.

you are not getting the dreaded not plugin for device dvd are you?
I get all that, I don't NEED to buy un-encripted DVDs, I'm NOT copying, I just want to watch a legitimatly shop bought DVD :rolleyes:

Kaffiene now plays ... Xine does not "there is no mrl" (whatever that is) ... neither 'auto-play' ... sorry, but I think its a joke.

In 9.3 I could use both Koffee & Xine, Xine was the better of the two, nice rich sound with Xine (yes I tried Mplayer, it's crap) ... I'm beginning to see why a lot of Linux users detest Suse. :rolleyes:

Well anyway ... didn't cost me anything did it, you get what you pay for. :D
All major distributions have issues with dvd encryption. it has NOTHING to do with copying them. if you don't have the decryption plugin, you don;t watch the movie. period. Not a fault of the various distro's, blame the mpaa and riaa for this crap. Windows programs that play dvd's that are encrypted are licensed to those *******o's.
You will need to install libdvdcss in mandrivel, red splat, slackware cause they don;t come with it.
Now I think the mp3 thing is stupid, but, hey you know those germans, sticklers for detail, and legally there are grounds for potential suits.
They sure could make life easier for installing that stuff, as they did for 9.3 with the multimedia updates, but then again, if you wait a month before doing an upgrade, most of this is sorted out.
You are on the BLEEDING edge here, so bleed with the rest of us.

Yup you got what you paid for, what would you have if you tried to pay that much fro windoze? (besides a pirated os with no applications) :lol:

Now, go fix it til it's broke!
Push off ... ya bugger. :D

You know I'm not happy unless I'm moaning at something ... ;)

I'm just looking for an excuse to install Mandriva ... and quit misspelling Windows. :p

Sing along now .... I love Suse, oh, oh, oh what a gal ... *insert raspberry smillie here*

What is your main Distro ??

What are the chances of ME getting dual-boot Linux on Linux to work ? ... err, no swearing.

How many can I get on a 120 HD ?

:D :D :D
muckshifter said:
Sing along now .... I love Suse, oh, oh, oh what a gal ... *insert raspberry smillie here*
Hey Mucks, you're beginning to scare me now (lol). Have they been changing your medication again?:D
CITech said:
Hey Mucks, you're beginning to scare me now (lol). Have they been changing your medication again?:D
Nope ... just operating systems.

Now using Mandriva 10 :D

Need to sort out all me little bits-n-bobs now, back maybe this evening. ;)