quickest way to remove all duplicates?




I have a spreadsheet that grows everyday. Basically, A report generate
a load of new rows everyday and appends to a file. I then open the fil
and need to remove all duplicates. This is because if it exists mor
than once, the policy has been actioned...

So what I need from you guys is a simple piece of code to tell me i
there is a way to find all duplicates in a spreadsheet and delete al
rows where there is duplicates.

I tried looping through the rows but it takes about 4 hours!

Is there a simple way to delete all rows where they are duplicates?
However, the duplicates will have to be on 4 columns, A, E,F and G.
match on only one of these columns is not a duplicate.

Does that make any sense?


Paul Lautman

Well there's a fairly simple process to go through to do this:
1) Insert a new column with the fomula =A&E&F&G
2) go to Data->Filter-Advanced Filter...
3) In Action select "Copy to anoter location"
4) In List range: select just this new column
5) In Copy to: select a cell to the right of all your other data (maybe H1?)
6) Select "Unique records only"
7) Click OK
8) Delete the original columns (A-G?)

You then have only unique records left.

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