Windows XP Quick Time


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I note in one of the other threads that Mucks feels that Quick Time is "a load of crap". I have noticed it on my system. I assume it has appeared when I have downloaded something else. I am not aware that I ever use it so can I assume that it is safe, and advisable, to delete it? What exactly does it do?

LoL ... perhaps I better watch what I'm saying ... IMO, it is not something I need. :D

It's Apple's offering of a video player for their .mov format ... if you have iTunes then you will have QuickTime "bundled" with it, even if you didn't need it.

Some websites "need" QT to view their video clips, well, I don't use those websites. One can use an Alternative though. :thumb:

I like how YouTube do it ... if you wish to view a video, it sends the appropriate 'codec' along the stream .. no need for a popup asking to download the 'software' or battle with your popup-blocker and then find it don't work anyway. :D

Every PC running Windows comes with its own free 'viewer' in the form of media player ... we may not like it, it may not 'play' all we want it to play, but it's there, why not use it.

It is 'safe' to un-install ... just go to ... Add & Remove Software. ;)

muckshifter said:
It is 'safe' to un-install ... just go to ... Add & Remove Software. ;)


Thanks Mucks, a bit more space freed up.
I use quicktime alternative and real alternative. That way you can play their files but not have the crap that comes with them, like 'real update' etc. :)

In my sticky here