Quick Styles Gallery Changes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arlene
  • Start date Start date


If you open a brand new document, what determines which styles are displayed
and the order in which they are displayed in the Quick Styles Galllery? Is
this gallery "personalized" so that the most recently used styles appear
first and/or do unused styles drop off as they are replaced by more
frequently used styles? Thanks in advance.

They are displayed according to the Priority that has been set for each
style that is is part of the Quick Style Set. This can be found in the
Manage Styles dialog box on the Recommend tab. To access the Manage Styles
dialog box, in the Styles group click the dialog launcher and then on the
Styles pane click the Manage Styles button at the bottom.

Also note you can modify the built-in Quick Style Sets (found when you click
Change Styles) or create your own and applied to any document.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:
Thank you, Beth--very helpful. Since I've never gone into that area, why
would mine be changing? Does it happen dynamically sometimes based on my
recently used styles?
Can you give me an idea of what is changing specifically? Such as which
styles you see listed?

Note the gallery will scroll when you use the More button to access other
available styles. Also, if you are using various templates each template may
have their own Quick Style Set that could have a different order or include
other styles. Could one of these possibilities be what you are seeing?

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:
That's likely it. Thanks, Beth.

Beth Melton said:
Can you give me an idea of what is changing specifically? Such as which
styles you see listed?

Note the gallery will scroll when you use the More button to access other
available styles. Also, if you are using various templates each template may
have their own Quick Style Set that could have a different order or include
other styles. Could one of these possibilities be what you are seeing?

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface: