1. Right-click on the taskbar and select Toolbar | New Toolbar.
2. Using the Browse go to your current Quick Launch folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
3. Click on the Quick Launch folder name and click OK
4. Click on the new toolbar on the Taskbar and drag/drop on left of
5. Right-click on new toolbar and set/unseet Show Title and/or Show
6. Size new toolbar as much width you want.
You can also copy the Quick Launch folder shortcuts to some other
new folder and use that folder for the New Toolbar, and then add as
many shortcuts you want to that folder.
Once performed, you can right click on Quick Launch on Taskbar and
select Close Toolbar.
This will give you more space on the taskbar by removing the Quick
Launch taskbar.
lewisma9 said:
Hello Ken,
I like your idea of docking the QuickLaunch Bar on the left - but
how do I do that? I tried to drag+drop it, but the whole bottom
line of bars (incluing the Start button) moved instead. Also, the
QuickLaunch bar still
appeared as horizontal, instead of lining up vertically. Help!
By the way, you may want to consider the alternative of dragging
the Quick
Launch Bar off the Task Bar entirely and docking it on another
side of the
screen.One configuration that I particularly like is having the
Task Bar on
the bottom of the screen and the Quick Launch Bar on the left
side. That permits you room for a lot of Quick Launch shortcuts,
doesn't take up Task
Bar space, and doesn't use much desktop real estate.