JD said:
The Real Truth MVP is not listed on the MVP list:
Alas, I found out from the MVPs that not all MVPs are on this list. They
aren't listed if they so choose. This is like going to the doctor's office,
seeing their diploma and credits hanging on the wall, but not able to verify
if any or all of them are true. My response has been that if you aren't on
the MVP list then you are not an MVP. If you aren't officially listed then
you are not an official MVP.
The web page
http://www.ms-mvp.org/ uses Godaddy's stealth
frame-redirection to redirect you to:
Check out ´pcbutts¡ using your favorite search engine.
Can you really trust someone like this? Do you really want to follow his
Chris Butts, aka The Real Truth [MVP] and his several other nyms, is a known
hazardous poster pretending to be an MVP. He never has been an MVP and
never will be an MVP. The MVP community knows him well and will never
nominate him. Because he knows he will never legitimately acquire the MVP
title, he pretends he has it. He is a liar and also a software plagarist.
He has been discovered trying to imposter other users in a vain attempt to
inflame others against this denouncing army of posters that expose his past
exploits and intent.
He even tried to register the ms-mvp.org domain to further his pretense as a
Microsoft employee and as an MVP. The MVPs are already aware of this and he
has not yet been able to actually host that domain (if he ever does, it is
likely the MVPs will immediately alert Microsoft who will target their
armada of lawyers at him). In a response from Microsoft and also according
to some MVPs, Microsoft already knows about this imposter, too (i.e., his is
on file). GoDaddy has been notified but declares that they will do nothing
against this imposter. Their excuse is that they cannot prove intent until
a web site appears but also claim that whomever becomes his webhoster must
get notified of his fraudulent site if he ever attempts to actually deploy
his impersonation. If you look at the response from the GET command when
trying to visit his site, you get "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily". That
probably means his webhoster either won't permit him to publish his site or
he has not yet chosen to publish it.