Quick Launch bar


Dave S.

Is there any way of controlling the order in which the icons appear in the
quick launch bar?

Dave S.

R. C. White

Hi, Dave.

If you really mean the Quick Launch toolbar, then just drag'n'drop the icons
into the order you like. You may need to Unlock the Taskbar first
(right-click in the Taskbar area to start).

If you mean the Notification Area near the clock (which many of us still
call the System Tray, or SysTray) the answer is more complicated -
basically, no, we can control whether they appear, but not the order.
Right-click the clock and choose Customize Notifications... to see what is
possible here.


Dave S.

R. C. White said:
Hi, Dave.

If you really mean the Quick Launch toolbar, then just drag'n'drop the icons
into the order you like. You may need to Unlock the Taskbar first
(right-click in the Taskbar area to start).

If you mean the Notification Area near the clock (which many of us still
call the System Tray, or SysTray) the answer is more complicated -
basically, no, we can control whether they appear, but not the order.
Right-click the clock and choose Customize Notifications... to see what is
possible here.

Sorry, I was getting the bits mixed up! Yes, I did mean the SysTray area
near the clock.
When I right click the clock, Custom Notifications is grayed-out, and not
available. Maybe this is because it's XP home?
Anyway, not to worry. It was only a whim, and not very important!!

Dave S.

R. C. White

Hi, Dave.

Since Customize Notifications... is greyed out, you probably need to
right-click the clock, then click Properties. This should pop up the
Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window. (Yes, there are other ways to get
to this same window.) On the very bottom of this window is a box for Hide
inactive icons; be sure this one is checked. Then you can get to the
Customize Notifications window either by clicking the Customize button here
or by going back to right-clicking the clock.


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