What are the warning and peak temperatures for retail AMD Athlon 64 X2
3200+ 939 CPUs with their regular stock fans? According to
.... 140 F degrees is the warning start and 158 degrees(F)/70 degrees(C)
is the danger peak. Am I reading the data specifications correctly? This
is assuming not overclocking either, but do have stress moments like
when playing intensive games.
Thank you in advance.
"What, like I had to live with all those ants? Do you know what I did to
those ants? HoooHooo! No more ants!" --unknown
/ /\ /\ \ Phillip (Ant) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
| |o o| | Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
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What are the warning and peak temperatures for retail AMD Athlon 64 X2
3200+ 939 CPUs with their regular stock fans? According to
.... 140 F degrees is the warning start and 158 degrees(F)/70 degrees(C)
is the danger peak. Am I reading the data specifications correctly? This
is assuming not overclocking either, but do have stress moments like
when playing intensive games.
Thank you in advance.
"What, like I had to live with all those ants? Do you know what I did to
those ants? HoooHooo! No more ants!" --unknown
/ /\ /\ \ Phillip (Ant) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
| |o o| | Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL): http://aqfl.net
\ _ / Remove ANT from e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
( ) or (e-mail address removed)
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on his home computer.