Questions about setup up new folders in Outlook 2003


M. B.

I would like to create a new folder called JULIA, and I would like any email
sent to her email address ([email protected]) be placed automatically there
and not in the general Inbox.

1) How can I create the JULIA folder "outside" of Inbox? or any newly
created folders for incoming mail are sub-tree'ed from within Inbox.

2) How do I setup my Outlook 2003 that if it downloads any email for
(e-mail address removed) will automatically go there and not the general Inbox.

3) How can I also setup an additional folders Julia Sent and Julia Deleted
to keep track for any emails that were sent or deleted for that particular
account only.

Many thanks for your help to this newbie!


Depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you want to completely
separate your data you should use separate profiles for Outlook. You can
configure this in Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles. You can then
add a profile named Julia with just her account configured (don't forget to
remove her account from your profile).

Another way to go would be to work with Tools-> Rules and Alerts. Here you
can create a rule based on some conditions like (start with a blank rule);
Apply this rule after the message arrives sent to (e-mail address removed) move it
to the specified folder

To create an extra folder for Julia you can use File-> New-> Folder...
Select the Outlook Today folder to make the folder at the same level as the

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