pc nerd
I have a laptop with Home Premium. I'm thinking about upgrading to Ultimate.
I have some questions. Home Premium doesn't have any policy editors. I know
that I can change existing Registry entries & add new entries to make Vista
more secure. When one makes a change to a policy editor, in what file is the
change stored? Or is it stored in the Registry? If policy editor changes are
stored in the Registry, then one really doesn't need to upgrade to Ultimate
or have a PC with Ultimate. So, ultimately (no pun intended) can one use the
Registry to make Home Premium as secure as (or possibly more secure than)
Ultimate & achieve the same results as one who has Ultimate?
Thank you.
I have some questions. Home Premium doesn't have any policy editors. I know
that I can change existing Registry entries & add new entries to make Vista
more secure. When one makes a change to a policy editor, in what file is the
change stored? Or is it stored in the Registry? If policy editor changes are
stored in the Registry, then one really doesn't need to upgrade to Ultimate
or have a PC with Ultimate. So, ultimately (no pun intended) can one use the
Registry to make Home Premium as secure as (or possibly more secure than)
Ultimate & achieve the same results as one who has Ultimate?
Thank you.