For this I'd go with a select case for the gender, then
nest an if statement for the age.
Function AgeGenderScore(Age as Integer, Gender as Integer)
as Integer
Select Case Gender
Case 0 'Male
If Age >=45 and Age < 50 Then
AgeGenderScore = 5
ElseIf Age >=50 and Age < 55
AgeGenderScore = 6
ElseIf '...
End If
Case 1 'Female
If Age >=45 and Age < 50 Then
AgeGenderScore = 2
ElseIf '...
End If
End Select
End Function
Where you fill in the rest of the values under
the "ElseIf"'s.
For this I'd go with a select case for the gender, then
nest an if statement for the age.
Function AgeGenderScore(Age as Integer, Gender as Integer)
as Integer
Select Case Gender
Case 0 'Male
If Age >=45 and Age < 50 Then
AgeGenderScore = 5
ElseIf Age >=50 and Age < 55
AgeGenderScore = 6
ElseIf '...
End If
Case 1 'Female
If Age >=45 and Age < 50 Then
AgeGenderScore = 2
ElseIf '...
End If
End Select
End Function
Where you fill in the rest of the values under
the "ElseIf"'s.