First of all, you should write Control Panel in the subject line, so people
will answer you. "QUESTION"-can be anything.
Alot of people are having the same problem. I have been working on this
since 9-2007.
Everyone will tell you to go to the hotfix #(936686) - Describes a problem
in which you may be unable to open components such as games, Control Panel,
or the Welcome Center. Or, Control Panel icons do not appear as expected.
The above is only if you have a problem with NERO inCD. Which most of us do
Other people will tell you to turn on this and turn off that. Well it
doesn't work either. It may...temporarily.
Here's where I'm this point, because there is no help out there for
this problem, I found a way to get into the control panel (so you can use it)
but still does not FIX our problem:
Click on "My Computer" and see CONTROL PANEL??? This one will come up for
Hope I've helped somewhat. BarbLynne