ksayal said:
Our site is a newspaper site. Only subscribed users can view the top 10
articles. These top ten articles are shown on the index page with a little
description. When a user clicks the article, the page first looks for the
cookie if a cookie is set then it redirects to the story page (supposedly).
My problem is it checks for the cookie, reads the cookie but when it has to
redirect, i don't know what server variable to use. If i use
("SCRIPT_NAME"), it brings to the topnewss.aspx page whereas this page is
holding the stories postings. However i want it to redirect to
/nr/exeres/GUID.htm page. Any ideas how i can i do that???
There a many ways to do this. Server variables are not the clue to this
problem (at all).
I suppose the user has to login first? To identify himself as a "subscribed
user"? If so, why not go for the 100% ASP.NET way?
Put all the protected pages in a directory and deny anonymous access for
that directory in your web.config (see MSDN for help, seach for <deny
users="?">). Next enable Forms authentication (see <authentication
mode="Forms">), also in your web.config.
The cool part is that ASP.NET manages authentication now. If the user clicks
on one of those articles, he is tranferred to the page. If not, he is
presented with a login-page (which you design) and is automatically
transferred afterwards to the page he originally requested. As a user, I
would think this is pretty neat!
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