| Depends upon what you mean by "fodder", I suppose.
| Unprocessed Cibachrome photo paper is dark brownish gray, since it uses
| a subtractive process of bleaching out the dyes within the paper surface
| to create the image. So, if you want to print on it, you have to at
| least run it through the bleach and fixative stages (pretty nasty
| chemistry, the bleach is a very reactive acid of sulfur with a very low
| pH which requires neutralization before putting down your drain).
| I tried some processed Cibachrome Gloss 'paper' (Type 1, actually
| plastic backed) but I doubt type 2 is any more better (the gloss version
| backing is made of whipped polyester plastic, the semigloss is RC paper
| backed) in an earlier Epson printer and it just made a mess, as it
| didn't absorb the ink well. YMMV
| Art
| Beemer wrote:
| > I have unopened packets of Ilford Cibachrome which, after cutting, could
| > used as A3 fodder for my Epson 1290.
| >
| > Anyone tried this?
| >
| > Beemer
| >
| >
Never crossed my mind that it would be anything other than white even after
all my processing days using Jobo drums.