The report designed by Mr. Hookum 'rptShipRequiredDates' is almost
exactly what I have been trying to achieve for weeks. I spent quite
some time looking at it (and the underlying code today). I am not sure
how the table ttblWeekOf is populated. I see dates in the table - are
they put there or do they come from a query or something I am missing?
Would I need to fill the table in myself?
Also, I used the code for ViewCalReport_Click() ammending it to match
my report names, etc... However when I use the form frmCalendarSelect I
get the message Type mismatch. Can anyone direct me on where I have
gone wrong?
exactly what I have been trying to achieve for weeks. I spent quite
some time looking at it (and the underlying code today). I am not sure
how the table ttblWeekOf is populated. I see dates in the table - are
they put there or do they come from a query or something I am missing?
Would I need to fill the table in myself?
Also, I used the code for ViewCalReport_Click() ammending it to match
my report names, etc... However when I use the form frmCalendarSelect I
get the message Type mismatch. Can anyone direct me on where I have
gone wrong?