I'm taking swings with a blindfold on, ya understand. <g> I don't know
exactly your situation. There's lots of ways to do things,
Here's my assumption and one way I'd do it:
On slide 1, I have a word question that includes a few numerical
variables in the problem. I want to randomly generate those variables
and then make the whole problem appear on slide 2 as it was generated
on slide 1. I'll even throw in an extra label on slide 2 that
calculates the correct answer and shows it.
I'll pretend the word problem is, "Bob cut four 2x4’s for a
rectangular frame that would have an inner dimension of x feet long by
y feet high. He then decided he needed a center piece to run
diagonally from corner to corner inside the frame to strengthen it.
Assuming the frame is assembled with 90 degree angles, what length
does the center piece need to be in order to fit?
The variables are x and y.
So, on slide 1 I'd build the following:
Using the Control Toolbox toolbar, I'd make two labels for the
variables, and I'll assume the label names as being "Lable1" and
"Label2". I'd make a third one for the question, "Label3", and enter
the question into it. I'd format all the labels' fonts to look the
same. Then I'd move Label3 behind 1 and 2 and position 1 over "x" and
2 over "y" and then remove those characters from the question and use
spaces to spread out the other words so that labels 1 and 2 seem to be
"inside" the question.
Now, with all that built, I need to see those objects again on a later
slide, so I'd just copy slide 1 and paste it as a new slide, and I'll
assume it's "Slide2". On slide 2, I'd make one more label, "Label4",
which will house the answer.
In the VBA editor (ALT+F11), and in the object "Slide1", I'd paste the
following code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Label3_Click()
Label1.Caption = Int((9 * Rnd) + 1)
Label2.Caption = Int((9 * Rnd) + 1)
Slide2.Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption
Slide2.Label2.Caption = Label2.Caption
Slide2.Label4.Caption = FormatNumber _
(Sqr((CLng(Label1.Caption) ^ 2) + (CLng(Label2.Caption) ^ 2)), 1)
End Sub
That's it. Now I run the presentation, and on slide 1 I can click the
question and the variables x and y randomly generate. When they do,
Slide two updates automatically and shows the correct answer. The
"correct answer" provided my math was right, that is. <g>
If you want a write-in textbox on slide one to enter the given answer,
make one of those too on slide1 and slide2. I think I gave you code of
how to make that appear on slide 2 earlier.