-- M --
I'm not an Internet/ hacking expert by any means. However, when I get on the
Internet I run Cookie Muncher (cookie killer), Proxomitron (ad and pop-up
filter) and Zone Alarm (stop spyware and incoming attacks), figuring that
I'm safe. However, I recently went to a site --
http://browsercheck.qualys.com/ -- recommended by PC Magazine where they
will "attack" your computer through a series of checks to see how vulnerable
it is.
I was surprised to find that my computer failed all tests save one. Their
site was able to open and manipulate files on my computer. Isn't Zone Alarm
supposed to alert me when somebody "out there" tries to hack my computer? Or
have I completely misunderstood this program?
Internet I run Cookie Muncher (cookie killer), Proxomitron (ad and pop-up
filter) and Zone Alarm (stop spyware and incoming attacks), figuring that
I'm safe. However, I recently went to a site --
http://browsercheck.qualys.com/ -- recommended by PC Magazine where they
will "attack" your computer through a series of checks to see how vulnerable
it is.
I was surprised to find that my computer failed all tests save one. Their
site was able to open and manipulate files on my computer. Isn't Zone Alarm
supposed to alert me when somebody "out there" tries to hack my computer? Or
have I completely misunderstood this program?