Question: re Pixia files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Helen
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Is there any program that can view pixia files
other than the pixia program? IrfanView won't
nor will any other program that I can find. These
are apb image files. If they can only be viewed
with the pixia program that's too bad. Most people
don't have pixia and why should one add this program
just to view THESE type files? It's a neat little drawing
program, but otherwise, imho, it's useless. TIA.

Helen said:
Is there any program that can view pixia files other than the pixia
program? IrfanView won't nor will any other program that I can find.
These are apb image files. If they can only be viewed with the pixia
program that's too bad. Most people don't have pixia and why should
one add this program just to view THESE type files? It's a neat
little drawing program, but otherwise, imho, it's useless. TIA.

If they're your images, save them in a nonproprietary format.

If they're images someone else made, then that's their fault, not
It was a proud moment for all when Helen said:
: Late reply, but XNView says it can view Pixia files.

I have xnview, but after creating an image in pixia how do you get it
to xnview? Would you create it in pixia, save it. Exit pixia then
open xnview and convert it? I haven't tried that. I know that
IrfanView didn't recognize it. ;( .

Just create an image in Pixia, save it as pxa-file. Then launch XnView
and locate the pxa-file and XnView opens it just fine. No converting
needed. XnView can *not* write (save) pxa-format, it just reads it.
XnView has supported Pixia since version 1.17. I have 1.46.