One Handed Man
A great deal of effort is put into answering people's questions in this
Newsgroup. If you post a question and receive an answer, please acknowledge
the time taken to try and help you by either confirming the fix or
From now on, If I notice that I don't get responses from people who post
new questions without giving an acknowledgement then I will ignore your
posts, and I would recommend that others do the same.
Ack those who help you, Its just plain rude to do otherwise.
Regards - OHM
Newsgroup. If you post a question and receive an answer, please acknowledge
the time taken to try and help you by either confirming the fix or
From now on, If I notice that I don't get responses from people who post
new questions without giving an acknowledgement then I will ignore your
posts, and I would recommend that others do the same.
Ack those who help you, Its just plain rude to do otherwise.
Regards - OHM