I've just re-read the thread and it appears to me the figure of £80 billion would appear to be the thread author's estimate.
As such is doesn't really hold water does it?
I looked, took in the figure, and was quite horrified that the Goverment had announced it's having to borrow such a huge amount to pay almost two million unemployed.
For all you know, sir, they may have actually stowed away the contributions from working folks wages and are using that cash to pay unemployment benefit. But tbh I doubt it.
Just goes to show how a suggestion, no matter how false, can grab people's attention and make them sit up and take notice. A favourite ploy of our scumbag tabloids, that little ruse.
So, what we have here is nobody has actually said the Goverment is borrowing huge sums of cash to pay an army of unemployed eh? Naughty naughty...
I think that all those unemployed people are complete lazy layabouts and should all be forced to toil ten hours a day removing graffitti and bubble gum and if they refuse to do that then make them homeless and force them to sleep under railway bridges in cardboard boxes and sell their children to Arabs and if that doesn't teach them a lesson then march them into a muddy field, line them up and shoot them dead, damn parasites on society, never in my born days, it's so much worse these days, workshy, bring back conscription, no respect, send a gunboat......... rant rant fume fume, turning purple, steam coming out of ears, crikey, I've suffered a coronary
I blame it all on Bill Hailey myself, all those Teds slashing cinema seats, it's a disgrace