Of the items in my form is a radio button group "grpDone" bound to the table's column [Done] datatype "Bit". It has two radio button options "Done" - if selected = 1 and "Not Done" if selected = 0. Default selected is "Not Done"
Our customer now requested this radio button group to not to have default selection and this field is not a required field. So, if neither of the options is selected, in the DB, it has to be a value other than 0 or 1, maybe NULL. I assume "Bit" datatype has to be either a "1" or "0"
I have not worked with MS Access enough to implement this with as little changes as possible (limited time). One thought I have is to change the datatype to Text to store "YES", "NO", "NONE" and figure out how to bind these values to the 2 radio buttons
Any suggestions
Of the items in my form is a radio button group "grpDone" bound to the table's column [Done] datatype "Bit". It has two radio button options "Done" - if selected = 1 and "Not Done" if selected = 0. Default selected is "Not Done"
Our customer now requested this radio button group to not to have default selection and this field is not a required field. So, if neither of the options is selected, in the DB, it has to be a value other than 0 or 1, maybe NULL. I assume "Bit" datatype has to be either a "1" or "0"
I have not worked with MS Access enough to implement this with as little changes as possible (limited time). One thought I have is to change the datatype to Text to store "YES", "NO", "NONE" and figure out how to bind these values to the 2 radio buttons
Any suggestions