Question on Notes...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heinz-Josef Bomanns
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Heinz-Josef Bomanns

Good morning fellow sufferers ,-)

Working on a COM add in that deals with notes. Via Tools/Options you
can set default color, size and font for notes. Settings are stored in
the registry (only if different from the defaults!) under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\ Microsoft\ Office\ x.x (= 9.0, 10.0,
11.0...)\ Outlook\ Options\Note, where NoteColor and NoteSize are
simple Reg_DWords but NoteFont is a Reg_Binary. I guess this is some
kind of object holding font name, font color, font size, attributes
like bold, italic, underline and so on. Does anybody has any
information or description about this setting/object or about the
meanings of the different fields in it? TIA for any inspiration...
Hi Bomi,

It looks like the name of the font, plus size and other attributes,
beginning with the red-green-blue values of the color, and the size in

Experiment with different settings and see how the reg value changes.

BTW, that key only exists if you've clicked OK in the Options dialog.
Hi Ken,
Experiment with different settings and see how the reg value changes.

Yeep, seems to be the only way to figure things out - even on MSDN or
TechNet no infos available for this entry. Thanks!