question On Hard Disk Partitions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Godwin
  • Start date Start date


Hi, i jus recently noticed this issue, this is a new 80GB Hard disk. im
running windows xp sp1. when i checked my disk management console i saw that
there is a partition which says Healthy(Unknown Partition) along with my 4
healthy partitions which i had configured...when i checked in cmd it showed
something like this...
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ---------- ------- ------- --- ---
* Disk 0 Online 75 GB 0 B

DISKPART> list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset
------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partition 1 Primary 19 GB 32 KB
Partition 2 Extended 48 GB 19 GB
Partition 3 Logical 19 GB 19 GB
Partition 4 Logical 19 GB 37 GB
Partition 5 Logical 11 GB 56 GB
Partition 6 Unknown 7625 MB 67 GB

when i right click this unknown partition to check properties everything is
grayed out. except for delete partition...when i tried del partition the
system gave me a error
Godwin said:
Hi, i jus recently noticed this issue, this is a new 80GB Hard disk. im
running windows xp sp1. when i checked my disk management console i saw
there is a partition which says Healthy(Unknown Partition) along with my 4
healthy partitions which i had configured...when i checked in cmd it
something like this...
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ---------- ------- ------- --- ---
* Disk 0 Online 75 GB 0 B

DISKPART> list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset
------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partition 1 Primary 19 GB 32 KB
Partition 2 Extended 48 GB 19 GB
Partition 3 Logical 19 GB 19 GB
Partition 4 Logical 19 GB 37 GB
Partition 5 Logical 11 GB 56 GB
Partition 6 Unknown 7625 MB 67 GB

when i right click this unknown partition to check properties everything
grayed out. except for delete partition...when i tried del partition the
system gave me a error
Disk Management
The selected partition was not created by Windows and might contain data
recognized by other operating systems. Do you want to delete this
Yes No
so i refrained from deleting until i get some expert advice on
wats that Partition 6 Unknown 7625 MB.wanna know if anything can be done,
is it actually the space used by the basic disk.
If you only need four partitions you might IMHO be better off with four
primaries. Using disk management delete the extended and re-create three new
Godwin said:
Hi, i jus recently noticed this issue, this is a new 80GB Hard disk.
im running windows xp sp1. when i checked my disk management
console i saw that there is a partition which says Healthy
(Unknown Partition) along with my 4 healthy partitions which i
had configured...when i checked in cmd it showed something
like this...
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
-------- ---------- ------- ------- --- ---
* Disk 0 Online 75 GB 0 B

DISKPART> list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset
------------- ---------------- ------- -------
Partition 1 Primary 19 GB 32 KB
Partition 2 Extended 48 GB 19 GB
Partition 3 Logical 19 GB 19 GB
Partition 4 Logical 19 GB 37 GB
Partition 5 Logical 11 GB 56 GB
Partition 6 Unknown 7625 MB 67 GB

"Healthy (Unknown partition)" is the way most hidden partitions will show up
in Disk Mgmt. Is it a primary or logical partition? (In Disk Mgmt the
Extended partition, which contains all the logical partitions, is indicated
by a green border on that "Disk 0" bar chart. If the unknown partition is
inside that green border, it's logical. If not, it's primary.) If it's
primary and this is an OEM disk, it could be a hidden restore partition put
there by the system manufacturer. If it's a logical partition, or if this
is a new replacement disk you installed yourself, then that wouldn't be it.

Diskpart is pretty primitive, so to get a better idea what it is you'll need
a smarter partition utility that can tell you exactly what the partition
table says. You didn't say how you created partitions, but it might help to
know what tools you're working with.
thanks for the replies, when i check in the diskmanagement the unknown
healthy partition stands seperate, with a blue border. so i guess its
primary...the other three are as u said are in a green the C: is
a primary in blue border the other 3 in a green border and the last one is
in blue border which is the unknown partition....I created the partitions
during the OS installation itself.. and this is not a oem computer, i got a
friend build it for thats for the im seriously
running into some problem...recently my comp is jus getting powered off by
itself,sometimes when i start back again it wud say that the boot device was
not found and when go to the bios to chek the boot devices my harddisk is
not at all listed there....and sometimes i can smell something burning from
my hdd or my i leave it for awhile and it then when i try starting
it wud give off a chkdisk on my 4th partition which contains windows2003
server....then loads windows xp normaly....and keeps running normally untill
i run certain games like maxpayne2 or play a dvd rip off jus powers
down, and i cud smell something burning. my sys has 3.0Ghz p4 HT and then a
512 ddr...when i load windows successfully after awhile i then check the
error reports in the event viewer...which r like these

here are the 3 errors which were listed in the error report in the event

1 - The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

2- An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk0\D during a paging

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

3 - The driver has detected that device \Device\Ide\IdePort0 has old or
out-of-date firmware. Reduced performance may result.

i jus donno wat to do...cos this problem is intermittent...please help with
this ..this comp is not even 6 months not sure if its a bad hdd or
is it bad smps since at time the hdd is not even getting detected by the
bios..please help!!!
Godwin said:
thanks for the replies, when i check in the diskmanagement the unknown
healthy partition stands seperate, with a blue border. so i guess its
primary...the other three are as u said are in a green the C:
is a primary in blue border the other 3 in a green border and the last one
is in blue border which is the unknown partition....I created the
partitions during the OS installation itself.. and this is not a oem
computer, i got a friend build it for me.....

Okay, if you started with a blank hard disk, then it wouldn't be a
manufacturer's recovery partition. Just delete the unknown partition. I
would think diskpart ought to be able to handle that, but if not just grab
any of a number of freeware partitioning utilities to do it. I'd use Ranish
Partition Manager, or if you want something a little easier to use, perhaps
Partition Logic or Swissknife Partitioner may work.

I can't help with your other problem, but it kind of sounds like you got a
bad hard disk.