Question on datagrid columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blasting Cap
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Blasting Cap

I'm writing an application where users will input data into a SQL table.
They'll be entering customer data and a purchase order number.
When they submit the PO, it shows a datagrid with the PO number showing.

I've since been asked to write something in SQL to match up the purchase
orders against another order table. That will be in a batch job
overnight. In my sql table, I plan to set bit switches that will note
if it automatically matches up on the nightly run. If it doesn't, there
is another bit switch I am putting in the table that I want to let them
check in order to allow them to say they've manually reconciled the issue.

What I want to do:

On the day an order is entered, I do NOT want the Manual Reconcile bit
switch (I guess a checkbox) to show. However, in this same datagrid, I
do want the ones that have gone thru a matchup over night which did not
automatically match out, to show up with the "Manual Reconcile" switch
where it can be selected/set by the user when they update the order.

If an order has been entered during the day, I do NOT want this
box/switch to be selectable, I want it to have to go thru the match out
over night. However, there are two other boxes on that datagrid that I
do want to be editable at any time. The Manual Reconcile switch I only
want to be enabled when the day of the order is not equal to today.

Is there a way to do this, and if so, how?


Set up the code to not show the switch if it has not attempted to reconcile
yet. This could be accomplished in one of two ways.

1. Another bit field/boolean that tells if checked
2. Change the flag to an integral value, so there are multiple possible
states for a PO

Either way, you check the value prior to displaying the manual checkbox.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside the box!