Question on compression ( maybe for MR J Kelley)

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I am Guy B from Belgium

I have watched Mr Kellys videos , and I must say I am
impressed with the quality that still remains after the
compressions ( or example the cat and mouse clip)

I was wondering , which of the settings were used in
compressing the clip

Myself I have setup the latest codecs for wmv and such

I use a Pal DV cam aswel as a new 3ccd NTSC DV cam
The ntsc cam has settings for progressive , frame and
other shootings

I realize there is a quality loss in compressing but I
need to maintain as much as I can( fast action dogs
running ) as I need the clips for analysing performances
while keeping the files size as small as possible (
ratio) to be able to be send to or viewed on .

been dabbling with the various settings , and also wmv 9

My clips are always short (around 15 seconds ) and
framesize defenatly does not have to be full size

originals I keep/save as DV-AVI

any tips experiences are well appreciated

Guy B
Hello there,

Thank you for your very kind remarks :)

The video in almost all cases was captured from my camera using Movie
Maker. It does a preety good job. After that, the video may be imported to
MovieDV Ver 6 ( or Movie Maker. After editing I import it into
Dazzle DVD Complete which does a pretty good job of making/burning my DVD's

Video shown on my website is obtained from the file prior to going into DVD
Complete. I import the result to Movie Maker or if I have more time to do
it I import to Windows Media Encoder (Free from Microsoft) I use the
default options in Movie Maker for Broadband 340Kb??? I think. It creates a
file suitable for my website and as you rightly point does a good
job of it. Windows Media Encoder does a better job with its "two pass"
method of encoding the file. The Media Encoder program can be used to make
custom profiles for Movie Maker. I have never bothered with that aspect
very much as the default settings offered always suit my needs.

Hope that helps a little........
Thank you for the info

as I need other to send me a clip and as told before and
there are restriction , I asked those people to send
like max 15 second duration and let them choose best fit
filesize like 2MB, that worked kind of ok , but if the
clip was shorter , yes they had better qaulity , but I
wanted regardless of 10 or 15 seconds somwhat the same
quality ( for my comparison purposes I need inthe sport
other options by bitrate made the frame size to be
different often .
so far I have made a profile setting , to tehm where I
specified the bitrate AND framesize I want , and gave
that a for them recognizable name to find back in the
list of option . (like 1/2 original and 1000K bps)
makes it easyer on them :)
it am happy with the results ( it has to be made easy for
those peopel as they have no experiences and it would be
to difficult to explain it all ) but as always I keep on
tweaking it for a good balance :)
gain thank you for giving insoght on how you work

take care
Guy B
Hello there,

Yes I understand.

Have you considered Zipping the file. I have found that very high
compression can be achieved if the size of the original file is small For
example, I have a video file that is 68.9MB in size using the best
compression of WinZip 8 I have just compressed it to 8.74MB. If you use
Version 9 with the higher compreesion now available you get a file of
8.29MB, a reduction of 88%

The larger the original file the lower the compression

So, have them make a file of known quality and then have them Zip it up.
You should as a result be able to have a better quality file and smaller to
Sorry, a little confused

are you suggesting for example they zip right away from the DV-AVI
or first compress in version 9 retaining the framesize etc and then zip it ?

dealing with the people that dont have xp will be another issue :)

Hello there,

The example I gave was based on a short DV-AVI and it produced remarkable
results...better than I expected I have to say.

Obviously you must be the best judge of what will work well for you. The
example used was only a few seconds long and from your requirements that
will not do. But I am sure with a little experimenting you will be able to
arrive at a good compromise that might be better than you expected if you
are able to put my idea to work.

It would be interesting to hear the outcome