Question & Mulitple Choice answers database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ray
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I am planning to build a questions & multiple choice answers database and
looking for the ways to create it. Can someone provide some actual samples
and briefing how to construct it.



No ill intentions to my reply, but this is kind of like
saying "I am going to build a car, can you tell me how to do
it?". Don't you feel that it would be appropriate to at
least supply a few details on your goals and the methods
that you are considering as well as a thumbnail on your
skill level? Details of the db would be very helpful as


Gary Miller
Gary Miller Computer Services
Sisters, OR

Fair comments! I just have a brief idea of this approach and would like to
hear a few words from experts here. I have medium level of programming in
Access. In fact, I would like to build a simple database to replace a
spreadsheet showing the scores of the suppliers. Initially, I need to build
a form like multiple choice Q & A sheet for the judges to input the scores
and then generate a report showing the score of each element and total score
like the hard copy of the spreadsheet. I am unsure if this is a right
direction so I need guidance from the experience people.

