Hey Mick – mate,
Thanks for your reply.
Have used Vista Ultimate beginning with the very first Beta; so, obviously
I’ve worked my way through several Betas, including several Genuine retail
versions (never OEMs).
In addition, yes, was one on the first for obtaining (more than one copy) of
the Bill Gates Signature Edition of Vista.
After several years using Ultimate, have learned things and stuff that many
are not aware.
Better expressed, through trial, error, and simply experimenting with
various applications, have learned the proper method for using Vista,
WITHOUT, encountering OS or application conflicts.
Once the end user learns, (from personal experience) the proper method for
using Vista it becomes somewhat as running Vista on auto-pilot; as long as
there is source for power supply and/or secondary Back up Power Supply, Vista
performs faultless.
And yes, have learned the primary source for user induced conflicts and what
must be done for preventing Vista OS conflicts; simply, run Vista on auto
The predicament that provoked my original question, have very limited
knowledge of Dell Products, including their OS.
Vista is just a small portion of Microsoft’s perpetual legacy.
Have a nice day mate,