Assembly can mean 2 different thing.
The assembly language is what was refered to in the first response. However, the code below is actually machine code (the 0 and 1s). Machine code is
ultimately what will get run on the machine, regardless of what you actually program in. Assembly language is a slightly more anvanced language, but still very
very low level. You need to specify which register to put your numbers, then you can do ver y simple arithmatic like add. Assembly language (I believe) is
specific to the machine (or at least the chip); for instance I learned a little 8086 assembly in college. MSIL (microsoft intermediate language) is what your code is
compiled into when you build. It is low level like assembly. You can take a look at it using ildasm.exe. At runtime, the MSIL is converted into the machine code
that runs on the machine. Because this happens at run time, it can optimize some things that cannot be done if we were to compile in into machine code at the
However, I an assembly has a different meaning in visual An assembly is a unit of code; it is usually a dll or exe. I would just think of it as your dll or
exe, although it is possible(but not through the VS IDE, only through the command line tools) to have an assembly that is in multiple dlls. An assembly in the unit
that permission can be set on, and what you can access without adding a reference.
Hope this helps;