S. Jackson
Are you ever "really" finished with a db after you've developed it? My
little foray into database development has taught me that I will never be
finished with it! I keep thinking of new and cool things to create or
discover a better way to make things work. Of course, this is due largely
in part to the fact that I am learning on the fly. And, as more people look
at my creation, I get more and more ideas for new and greater things. So
much fun.'
Its hard to let go of my baby. I don't think I'll ever be finished with it.
Thank god for split db's!
S. Jackson
little foray into database development has taught me that I will never be
finished with it! I keep thinking of new and cool things to create or
discover a better way to make things work. Of course, this is due largely
in part to the fact that I am learning on the fly. And, as more people look
at my creation, I get more and more ideas for new and greater things. So
much fun.'
Its hard to let go of my baby. I don't think I'll ever be finished with it.
Thank god for split db's!
S. Jackson