Question for you Professionals

  • Thread starter Thread starter S. Jackson
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S. Jackson

Are you ever "really" finished with a db after you've developed it? My
little foray into database development has taught me that I will never be
finished with it! I keep thinking of new and cool things to create or
discover a better way to make things work. Of course, this is due largely
in part to the fact that I am learning on the fly. And, as more people look
at my creation, I get more and more ideas for new and greater things. So
much fun.'

Its hard to let go of my baby. I don't think I'll ever be finished with it.
Thank god for split db's!

S. Jackson
Are you ever "really" finished with a db after you've developed it?

Sure... when the client gets tired of paying me... <g>

Your experience is shared widely, I'm sure. Now excuse me... I want to
add a new neat little feature to my consulting Invoices form...

Congratulations on your creation!! I've followed your progress through your
posts on the newsgroup and have seen the tremendous dedication you gave it - you
certainly deserve the excellence award.

Now it's time to move on; there are many projects that lie ahead and each will
present a new and exciting adventure for you which you would not have found in
your previous projects. There's always surprises ahead and wonderful things to
learn and do if you are always moving on. Keep at it, do whatever it takes to
take those classes you mentioned and you will always be happy doing something
you like.

PC Datasheet
Wow, does that sound like my wife!!
"Are you EVER going to finish that?!"
"Sure, I finished THAT version, I'm on to the next version
(...big sigh in the background...)

Your situation is a lot like mine. By the way, these NGs
will be your best friend AND your worst enemy! You'll find
all kinds of neat things to add/change every day. That big
sucking sound you hear is the Access vortex you have now
fallen into. He...he...he....(low sinister laugh)...

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Are you ever "really" finished with a db after you've developed it?

Never ... Practically daily, I think of something I could have done better
or see a neat technique explained here in the news groups.

Congratulations on your accomplishments!
I'd say that there will always be more to learn. You won't run out of new
things to work on. Continue to work with Access, then Access "Projects",
then SQL-Server, then do web pages ...

And that's not counting frequent "upgrades".
I always finish each phase of a client's database. The ones I create for
myself are never done :-)

Client wants a new feature, he gets to pay for it. I manage scope creep
VERY diligently.

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting
I know how you feel.

Done with it? Yes. Finished? Uuhm... not really. I joined the much
fun-filled Access database development just recently and have enjoyed every
minute of it. The Access MVP's have been invaluable. I should pay them some
of the fee I earned, but instead I come on the newsgroup and answer
questions if I can. It's a way of giving back. The point is, everytime I
come on the newsgroup, there would be some MVP with bright ideas that I then
want to implement on my projects. So no, I'm never finished.... and it's
the MVP's fault. :-)

Software is just never finished, just ask Microsoft.... First DAO, then
ADO, then backtracking to DAO just a little, so that eventually we can all
be in ADO.NET. What's next? Just hope it's not DOA.

Immanuel Sibero