As far as I know, there is no current problem between the AOL 9.0SE software
and IE7. Previously, I thought there was, not because I had problems
installing IE7, but because the AOL dialer and some AOL program files kept
disappearing. In retrospect, that might have been caused by something else,
perhaps a faulty Office plugin for Widows disc cleaner, which I understand
was just patched by Microsoft. It also might have been one of my registry
cleaners. Currently I am using MSN 9.5 dialup and AOL 9.0 Vista Ready, and
have had no problems, except a slight problem installing Windows Live One
Care, probably because of the MSN accelerator. Whatever you do, make sure
that before you actually begin the installation of IE7, turn off all
antivirus and antispyware products Except your firewall. If you have the
Zone Alarm firewall, it is advised to uninstall it and use the Windows
firewall until after IE7 is completely installed. For example, if you use the
immunizations by Spybot and SpywareBlaster, undo them until after IE7 is in
place. Reboot twice after its installed. Then you can re-enable ALL your
security programs. Make sure you check the IE7 FAQS, because there are some
toolbars, etc, that don't work with IE7. AOL is working on an IE7 conpatible
toolbar, but last time I checked it was still in beta testing. Personally, I
recommend AOL 9.0VR for dialup, which can be downloaded from
Sometime in the future, they will have CDs available for order, but not yet.
My last reformat was an optional one, but it solved some problems created by
a faulty autoupgrade from MSN 9.2 to MSN 9.5, programs errors in the new KIS
MP1 causing it to crash, and an anti-keylogging driver from Spysweeper 5.2
that had installed itself in my keyboard drivers and could not be deleted by
ordinary means. BTW - I understand that Norton Internet Security may have
some scripting errors after IE7 is installed. If you are using McAFee, One
Care, AVG, or Avast, you shouldn't have any problems AFAIK. That's the sum
total of my knowledge on the matter, except to say that I like IE7 and was
determined to get it to work right on my PC no matter what other software I
had to uninstall to achieve my goal.