Jimmy Jim
Hey everyone, I come from a c#.net, vb.net background exclusively
writing web applications and have begun the process at also creating
Need some help understanding how to store information such as user
settings, etc. In ASP.NET, you simply store in a DB. If I create a
WinForms app and have someone set there name, for instance, in a
settings area. Where and how would be the best way to store this in a
WinForms app? Obviously, I can't rely on a DB because most people won't
have one installed on there machine.
So I guess, my entry level question is, how do most people store these?
Text files?
Thanks for your help!
writing web applications and have begun the process at also creating
Need some help understanding how to store information such as user
settings, etc. In ASP.NET, you simply store in a DB. If I create a
WinForms app and have someone set there name, for instance, in a
settings area. Where and how would be the best way to store this in a
WinForms app? Obviously, I can't rely on a DB because most people won't
have one installed on there machine.
So I guess, my entry level question is, how do most people store these?
Text files?
Thanks for your help!