I'm fairly familiar with how it's supposed to work. At one point I got so
frustrated about always having to change ID#'s etc. that I actually wrote a
small utility Logitech's support forum guys are kind enough to host that
makes it "easier" than the way MS provides.
I wrote initial msg because I'd noticed your "sig" and so thought I'd bring
it to "someone's" attention that at least two major MS games do not properly
handle having multipule devices connected. Try FS2004 yourself with say a
joystick and a wheel attached.
I'm relatively "new" to XP, having only been running a dual-boot 98SE/XP for
maybe 6 months and this new pc with only XP for month or so now. That said,
XP seems even worse than 98SE in that regard, now having some "preferred
device" bs and not even able to control the order of other devices, e.g. I
sometimes have as many as six, 2 wheels, 2 rumblepads, PS2 controller and a
flight stick. Thankfully that little id utility still works

In fairness,
it's far from MS's games that exibit this problem but my frustration is that
I think it's fair to say at least MS games SHOULD NOT have a problem. I
basically keep FS2004 on system because I've "played" it so long now (e.g.
first 8088 had a version on it) but both CFS's and IL's I just uninstalled,
that's how frustrating I find it all.
To me, it seems time MS rethought it's design regarding joysticks.
Everything else is "virtualized", e.g. mice, keyboard etc. so why not
joystick(s). Why can't a user simply have some dialog box that allows one to
"create" virtual joystick(s) and assign whatever input to whatever virtual
device they've created? Game wants only one device, no problem. Load some
"saved virtual layout" and play the game. Another game allows two player
mode, load a different "virtual layout". The game would never need to know
that "stick left" didn't come from an actual physical joystick but instead
could come from anything, e.g. mouse click, keyboard,