Question & Answer page.



How do I set up a "Question & Answer Page" on my web site
(Front Page 2003). I want the latest entry at the top.

Kevin Spencer

Your question doesn't provide enough information to answer. For example,
based upon your question, I might tell you to create a new web page, type a
question, hit ENTER and type an answer. And in the future, you could simply
put the cursor at the top of the page and type in a new question and answer,
so that each new question and answer would be at the top.

Now, that's not what I think you really want, but it certainly is a valid
answer based upon the information you provided.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

Andrew Murray

I'm compiling a similar thing.
click "KnowledgeBase" for an example. There aren't many questions on it yet, but
this might be what you're kind of after. provided the Perl script(s) I'm using on my site. It
requires a bit of knowledge, but mainly it is easy enought to get started with.

Depending on your hosting, whether you have Windows or Unix, you might want to
use a database for this, else you would just manually type in the question and
anwer(s) in the order you want. Consider the technologies available e.g. php,
perl/cgi, asp, asp .net, mysql etc.

Otherwise there are "knowledgebase" and "FAQ" scripts out there that can automate
the process somewhat.
try for starters.

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