I never developed and used Acess in the past, now I have to decode a program written in VB4 that accesses an Access db. I installed the program in a computer running windows server 2000 only (this is, ther is no Office programs installed), and when I try running the code it crashes with the message "File not Found", then another error message thta I can track from the src code of this application.
It seems to crash when trying to load the main form of the app, Form_Load() . The statements here are:
' open the assessment number and name database
Set dbPhotobase = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(GetDatabasePath & "mydbase.mdb")
Set rsPhotoval = dbPhotobase.OpenRecordset("photoval", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rsImages = dbPhotobase.OpenRecordset("images", dbOpenDynaset)
' create the images directory if it does not exist
On Error Resume Next
MkDir Left$(GetImagePath, Len(GetImagePath) - 1)
' this is static
usrCurrentImage.strPath = GetImagePath
Exit Sub
' unload the program if the database is not accessible
MsgBox "Could not start Photobase: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, APP_TITLE
the error message I get (that comes from the err_Form section above) is:
Could not start Photobase: object required
my guess is, since I do not have Microsoft Office installed in this computer, maybe I'm missing some Access objects that will enable Workspaces to open this database? Or, do I need to have Access install in order to run this piece of code?
Hope you can help on this one.....
It seems to crash when trying to load the main form of the app, Form_Load() . The statements here are:
' open the assessment number and name database
Set dbPhotobase = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(GetDatabasePath & "mydbase.mdb")
Set rsPhotoval = dbPhotobase.OpenRecordset("photoval", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rsImages = dbPhotobase.OpenRecordset("images", dbOpenDynaset)
' create the images directory if it does not exist
On Error Resume Next
MkDir Left$(GetImagePath, Len(GetImagePath) - 1)
' this is static
usrCurrentImage.strPath = GetImagePath
Exit Sub
' unload the program if the database is not accessible
MsgBox "Could not start Photobase: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, APP_TITLE
the error message I get (that comes from the err_Form section above) is:
Could not start Photobase: object required
my guess is, since I do not have Microsoft Office installed in this computer, maybe I'm missing some Access objects that will enable Workspaces to open this database? Or, do I need to have Access install in order to run this piece of code?
Hope you can help on this one.....