question about windows fax and scan

Mar 20, 2012
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I just bought a laptop with Window 7. I used to send faxes using winfax on my old xp computer, but now winfax is not compatible with win 7. So I have to use windows scan and fax. Only problem is, I don't know how to get it to dial *67 before the number in order to block my ID.

Can anyone help? :(
Thanks for your reply. You are right, we dial *67 in Canada. I'n just not sure where to put this in windows fax and scan program because it keeps saying that numbers have to be in canonotical format (whatever that means)?

So I have no idea what to do. :(
Canonical is the adjective for canon, literally a 'rule', and has come to mean also 'standard', 'typical', or 'unique distinguished exemplar'.

Like using 11 instead of * ... :)

Time for my bed now. :wave:
The last time I played with Windows Fax, there was an HP printer attached. My computer does not seem to have any settings within the default that I can find for that type of control. I would imagine that it would be located in the properties of the printer that can be adjusted at the time of "printing" the fax. You may need to alter your printer properties to accept this dialing feature.

If you have an internal modem, you would need to modify dialing properties of the modem to handle that.
Mr Flops observes that most fax spammers block their ID and send stuff hither and thither depleting good folks' supplies of paper, toner and ink.

Just an observation mind you, nowt else.