question about visual basic and microsoft access

Nov 27, 2011
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Hello. I am developing an information system in microsoft access and i am using visual basic to proceed some actions that are not possible with the conventionals macros.
My question is this: I have a 1st form where the user registers her username and password. After this registration the user goes to a second form where he must introduce some data through some unbound checkboxes. Each of these checkboxes correspond to a "yes/no" field of a single table. Iam not having trouble in record this values on that table. My problem is in how to get the id correspondent to this new set of data that I just have record, so that I can store this Id on a foreign key on other table.

Can anyone help me please
You could set up a simple description system that lets you tell the difference between each value enered then have an sql statement look for certain descriptions and set each description's subsequent ID value as a foreign key.
Of course if all values are in the same table and this next table you are talking about is supposed to have multiple entries for each value in the first table why not set the whole column as the foreign key.
I think this may help though I do no enirely understand your situation.
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